Rust Remediation & Conversion

Living in a coastal city like Santa Barbara, metal substrates are more prone to rust due to the high levels of moisture and salt in the air. To avoid having to deal with rusted metal, it's important to maintain your metal substrates so that they are not exposed to the elements. This can be done by inspecting any areas that are faded or scratched, and touching them up. Additionally, a re-coating every 3-5 years can help prevent rust from forming. Rust remediation can be an expensive process, so it's best to maintain your metal coatings to avoid it. However, if you do experience rusted metal, there are multiple steps that can be taken to remediate it and prevent it from happening in the future. At Purple Painting, we follow a process to remediate rust that includes scraping off loose paint and heavy rust, grinding and sanding down to bare metal, and cleaning all surfaces with solvents. We then apply a rust converting basecoat to turn any remaining rust black, followed by a red oxide rust inhibiting metal primer. After sanding all surfaces to create a smoother finish, we finish with two coats of a premium exterior enamel, with an oil-based option recommended. This process ensures that you get the longest life possible out of your metal coatings and puts you in a position to maintain your metal substrates going forward. We've performed maintenance and rust remediation countless times, so you can trust us to get the results you want for your metal substrates. Contact Purple Painting today for more information.

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Call 805-636-3240 today to schedule service.