Pressure Washing

Light Washing:

Routine light washing of the exterior of your home or building can greatly contribute to extending the life of your existing paint job. This involves using a low-pressure washer to gently wash away loose items, remove loose dirt and dust from the surfaces, and present a cleaner, more beautiful look. Additionally, light washing exposes areas of the building that may need some preparation and painting, allowing you to take care of any issues before they become bigger problems.

Heavy Washing:

If you want to ensure that your exterior paint job lasts as long as possible, it's essential to start with a clean surface. That's why performing a "heavy pressure wash" before any exterior painting is imperative. This powerful technique involves washing the surface closely to expose any areas where the paint surfaces may not be sound, so that they can be properly prepared before being painted.In addition to exposing any potential problems, the strong blasting of the water can also reveal areas of termite damage and wood rot where wood replacement may be necessary. This is crucial for maintaining the integrity of your home or building. Moreover, a heavy pressure wash can remove all the loose dirt and dust on the surface, ensuring that the topcoats applied are sticking to the basecoats they are being applied to.At our painting contractor company in Santa Barbara, CA, we understand the importance of proper preparation before painting. That's why we always perform a heavy pressure wash before starting any exterior painting project. Our team is skilled at identifying any issues that may need to be addressed before the painting process can begin. With our thorough approach, you can trust that your exterior paint job will be long-lasting and durable.

Water Containment:

As a responsible painting contractor in Santa Barbara, CA, we prioritize environmental safety in all our painting projects. We understand the potential risks associated with exterior painting, particularly if the surface contains lead or if the wastewater from the pressure washing process is drained into the street and ultimately into creeks and the ocean.To prevent any negative impact on the environment, we take special measures to collect and recycle all dirty water from the pressure washing process properly. Our team ensures that the wastewater is treated in a water treatment center, eliminating any potential contamination and protecting our oceans and natural water sources.Our commitment to environmental safety is just one way we strive to make our painting services stand out from the rest. Trust us to deliver exceptional results while also taking care of our community's natural resources.

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Call 805-636-3240 today to schedule service.